Signs That You Should Update Your Eye Prescription

When you’ve had your eyeglasses for years, you get used to them so much that you tend to think you can still see clearly out of them after all this time. However, even though your vision seems fine, there could be changes in it that you just haven’t noticed. Here are some of the signs that will let you know it’s time for an eye prescription update.


If you feel a constant need to squint in order to see clearly, you definitely should go to your optometrist to have your eye prescription updated. Squinting is a natural way to enhance clarity and focus. You may not realize that you are doing it. But when your eyes and head begin to hurt, that’s a sign that you are squinting too frequently. Squinting can be harmful in the long run because it strains your eye excessively. It can make your vision problems worse, so make sure to have your prescription changed if you have been squinting constantly.

Eye Fatigue

Eye fatigue or eye strain can be due to varying reasons. Inadequate sleep and seasonal allergies usually causes this problem, but the symptoms last only a day or two. That said, if you are experiencing eye fatigue all the time, you have to visit your eye doctor and get a new glasses prescription.

Blurred Vision

Blurred vision is described as a sudden or occasional blur of vision, which is typically accompanied by a loss of focus. You may experience this in one or both eyes, and the cause could be a severe change in your vision. A new prescription, plus further testing, will be necessary in order to address or rule out any underlying issues.


You may not notice the slightest change in your vision, but your brain can definitely detect such changes. Once the brain recognizes a change, it tends to work hard trying to correct the problem. This causes the brain to use excessive energy, wearing itself out and resulting in a headache. In the case of nearsighted people, headaches often occur in the front of their head or right over the eyebrow. Meanwhile, farsighted people experience headaches after looking at things closely for extended periods.

If you are looking for a reliable eye care specialist, Northern Virginia Doctors of Optometry can provide excellent services that are customized to your needs. We offer eye exams, low vision therapy, dry eye treatment and more. Call us at (703) 467-9080, or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment. We serve patients in Reston, VA, and the surrounding areas.