DNase Treatments: A Promising Treatment for Dry Eye

A recent clinical trial has offered a potential treatment for dry eye. This could be a great advancement for sufferers

DNase Eye Drops

Deoxyribonuclease, or simply DNase, is an enzyme that breaks down nucleic acid-based material, including DNA. In the clinical trial, DNase was administered as eye drops to 47 participants afflicted with severe dry eye disease. All trial participants received one drop of a solution four times a day for eight weeks. As a controlled trial, a group of randomly selected participants received eye drops without DNase.

Clinical Trial Results

At the end of the clinical trial, researchers found that the group who received the eye drops with DNase had a marked reduction in corneal damage, compared to the control group. Trial participants who used eye drops with DNase reported less eye discomfort. Their corneas were also found to be healthier than before they joined the trial.

Important Notes

At present, this treatment is still undergoing clinical trials. It must be noted that while the results of the DNase clinical trial look promising, it will require more research and approvals before it can be made available to the general public.

If you are suffering from severe dry eye, your best option right now is to consult with your local eye care professional. There are many treatments for dry eye. While not as easily administered as DNase drops, these existing treatments have resulted in success. In many cases, artificial tears, lubricating eye drops and prescription eye drops are enough. For persistent dry eyes, avoid self-medicating, and pay your local eye doctor a visit.

Northern Virginia Doctors of Optometry is your leading local professional for all your eye care needs. Whether you need treatment for dry eye or need new eyeglasses, give us a call at (703) 467-9080, or fill out our contact form.