Beat Screen Eye Strain With Blue Light Protection

We’ve all heard about the dangers of UV light, but there’s another type of light that we need to consider: blue light. You encounter blue light daily, from sunlight to digital devices like smartphones, tablets or computers. While not all blue light exposure is harmful, excessive amounts could impact your health, particularly your eyes. In today’s post, you’ll learn how you can beat eye strain due to screen time.

More About Blue Light

Blue light is a color in the visible spectrum that human eyes can see. It comes from various sources, including the sun and digital screens. While blue light in moderation contributes to overall health, overexposure can lead to several issues.

Impact of Overexposure to Blue Light

Exposure to excessive blue light, especially from digital devices, can impact your health. Continuous screen exposure can cause eye strain and even contribute to macular degeneration. Over time, it may disrupt natural sleep patterns and can cause insomnia. Blue light has also been linked to certain eye diseases like cataracts.

How To Limit Blue Light Exposure

Changing your daily habits can help you reduce blue light exposure. Eye doctors often advise having routine eye check-ups or adopting specific equipment such as protective lenses. Additionally, taking frequent breaks while using screens can help mitigate the effects of blue light.

Treatment Options for Blue Light Impact

If you’re experiencing impacts from blue light overexposure, your health provider can suggest treatment options. By addressing and repairing the damage, these treatments can help alleviate symptoms caused by excess blue light and keep your eyes in top condition.

Exposure to blue light is part of our daily lives, and while it can’t be avoided entirely, it can certainly be managed. Courtesy of our experienced doctors, we can help mitigate the effects and keep your eyes healthy. You can reach Northern Virginia Doctors of Optometry using the following numbers: Alexandria: (703) 660-9494, Arlington (Crystal City): (703) 413-1400, Arlington (Clarendon): (703) 522-7676, Falls Church: (703) 573-1200, Reston: (703) 467-9080 or by visiting our contact page.