Age-Related Vision Changes and Eye Health

Aging is inevitable, and it shows as you progress through the years. Our eyes naturally undergo several changes as we age, affecting our ability to see. Upon reaching a certain age, you may find distinguishing colors more challenging or need help driving at night. These changes are part of the natural aging process and not necessarily a cause for concern. Northern Virginia Doctors of Optometry explains more.

Understanding Age-Related Vision Changes

Our vision changes throughout our lifetime, and as we crest into our golden years, we may notice differences in how we perceive the world. Color perception can change, making some hues appear less vibrant. Diminished night vision might make it harder to see in low light. Some older adults also have increased light sensitivity and reduced tear production, the latter of which can lead to dry eyes.

How to Manage Age-Related Vision Changes

Knowing how to manage these vision changes is vital to maintaining your sight as you age. One fundamental step is scheduling regular eye exams with an eye doctor. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle also contributes significantly to vision health. A balanced diet packed with eye-healthy nutrients can aid in sustaining good vision. Regular exercise promotes circulation and overall well-being, which positively affects your eyes.

Choosing the proper eyewear can also make a substantial difference. The appropriate pair of eyeglasses can help correct vision issues. Eyeglasses come in a wide range of styles and lens options tailored to the needs of the individual.

Protecting your eyes from harsh external elements, such as strong sunlight and occupational hazards, is crucial. Always wear UV-protected sunglasses when outdoors and safety glasses when necessary.

The Role of Optometrists 

A trusted optometrist can play a significant role in managing vision changes related to aging. They are well-versed in the nuances of eye health and can offer expert advice tailored to your vision needs. For those experiencing severe vision loss, options like low-vision therapy are available.

Schedule Your Eye Check-Up Today!

Understanding and managing age-related vision changes can seem daunting, but help is available. If you’re ready to take the next step in managing changes to your vision, get in touch with the team at Northern Virginia Doctors of Optometry. Call us at the following numbers: (703) 660-9494 (Alexandria), (703) 413-1400 (Crystal City), (703) 522-7676 (Clarendon), (703) 573-1200 (Falls Church) and (703) 467-9080 (Reston). You can also fill out this contact form to reach us.